When you experience neck pain and restricted movement, it’s usually best to consult your doctor. They may refer you to a qualified physical therapist who will help you in your quest to get rid of neck pain and restore movement. Physical therapy has been an effective treatment, but in extreme cases, one might require surgery.
Neck pain may be caused by a number of factors such as:
- Bodily trauma such as one experienced by falling
- A sports-related injury
- Accidents
- Both neck and back problems or conditions.
Absolute Physical Therapy understands the severity of back pain and as such is why we offer the perfect physical therapy regimen. Extremely qualified physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy will offer you both passive and active treatments. The passive part of the regimen will focus on exercises that will help you and your body relax. They will also help you prepare for the more demanding tasks of the active treatment.
The passive treatments offered at Absolute Physical Therapy include:
- Deep tissue massage – this method will target any and all muscle tension. Neck pain can be caused by tension building up from the activities of your daily life. Your assigned physical therapist from Absolute Physical Therapy will apply pressure around the neck area and use friction to try to release any tension.
- Hot and cold therapies: the use of heat helps your body have better blood flow. A better blood flow ensures your body circulates more oxygen and nutrients to the needed area. This improved circulation also facilitates better waste removal. Better blood flow also improves the body healing capabilities. Cold therapy helps reduce inflammation and pain.
By undertaking your physical therapy at Absolute Physical Therapy, it’ll be easier to identify and stop bad habits that create neck pain. Successful treatment of neck pain will need you to work with a reputable physical therapist in Houston, TX which Absolute Physical Therapy has in numbers. If your neck is giving you problems be sure to give us a visit.