Effective Back Pain Treatment Options Back pain is the most common condition diagnosed by physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy. The lower back is the most vulnerable area and is highly susceptible to injury. Physical therapy is often recommended for patients suffering
Introduction to Lower Back Pain Lower back pain is a prevalent issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Understanding the common causes of lower back pain can help in managing and preventing this condition effectively. Main Causes of Lower Back Pain There
In general, hip pain refers to pain in the hip joint. You feel the pain in the hip area as well as in the thigh and groin. There are various causes of hip pain such as inflamed tendons, arthritis, trochanteric bursitis, hip
The World is progressing, and this fact is giving rise to very significant changes in technology. As a result, the automobiles have flooded our roads. Although it is a convenience, the overwhelming use has put us in grave danger. At times we
Plantar Fasciopathy is a lesion of the foot caused by stretching or rupture of the plantar “fascia,” a fibrous membrane that runs from the heel bone to the base of the toes. This membrane is, somehow, the “floor” of the foot. It