Arthritic disorders are problems of the joints and the tissues that surround them or connect them with each other that result in pain in those regions. There are many types of arthritic disorders, the most common ones being osteoarthritis, lupus, rheumatic arthritis, gout, and fibromyalgia.
Anyone can suffer from arthritis. However, physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy in Katy, TX realize that specific groups are more likely to suffer from these conditions than others. These groups include:
- People whose families have history of arthritis
- Those that suffer from dysfunction of the immune system
- Those that have suffered trauma or other types of injury
- People with poor metabolisms
- Individuals who have combated infections in the recent past
Because arthritis typically affects the bones and tissues of the affected individual, it has several discernible symptoms.
The Signs of Arthritis
A person with arthritis has restricted movement in the affected part of the body. He or she also experiences chronic pain in that region. Chronic pain is the one which affects an individual for an extended period. Anyone who has arthritis will also have stiff and swollen joints as surrounding tissue becomes inflamed. Effective treatment of arthritis by physical therapists in Katy, TX involve exercising and undergoing therapy for the management and relief of pain.
Resolving Arthritic Disorders with Physical Therapy
The first step toward the successful treatment of arthritis is booking an appointment for physical therapy in Katy, TX. During the first consultation, the physical therapists in Katy, TX will look into your medical background by asking a few questions. Additionally, they will conduct a physical exam to find out the severity of your condition.
After evaluating individual conditions, physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy in Katy, TX will design specific treatment plans for the client. The treatment plans aim to:
a) Aid in Pain Relief
Arthritis disorders are usually painful. After you enroll in a physical therapy treatment plan at Absolute Physical Therapy in Katy, TX, your physical therapist will guide you through several activities to help you manage that pain. These include:
- Using hot packs to reduce muscle stiffness
- Cold water therapy (using cold packs) to reduce pain and inflammation in the affected joint
- Soft tissue massage to reduce stiffness and pain
b) Minimize Joint Damage and Increase Range of Movement
Physical therapists in Katy, TX will use warm water therapy (guiding you through exercises in warm water) to take pressure off your body and joints. This form of therapy also helps mobilize your joints properly and therefore increases the extent to which you can move the affected joint.
c) Improve the Quality of Your Life
Arthritis affects the ability of a person to carry out even the most mundane tasks, and that in turn affects their mental and physical health. Physical therapy in Katy, TX helps such persons learn to perform day to day tasks using aids and managing their pain and fatigue. This, in turn, improves their quality of life.
Signing up for physical therapy at Absolute Physical Therapy in Katy, TX might just be the first step towards a better life.