Physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy and Fitness in Houston, TX uses laser therapy on patients suffering from acute inflammatory conditions. Laser treatment sends an electromagnetic beam on a region of the body for therapeutic purposes. The characteristic of the laser is the amplification of the energy which arrives at a high intensity over a small surface.
Unlike lasers used in surgery or aesthetics, laser therapy emits no or very little heat and is totally safe since it can not damage the tissues of the treated area.
On the contrary, the beams of concentrated light emitted by the device penetrate 5 to 10 centimeters under the skin and allow a regeneration of the cells, a decrease in inflammation and a relief of the pain.
The light of the laser stimulates the photoreceptors of the cells, which causes chain biochemical reactions. These biochemical reactions facilitate the fight against inflammatory processes and relieve pain through the release of endorphins.
When your pain is no longer relieved by physiotherapy, medications or by cortisone injections: laser therapy is now an active, powerful and safe medical alternative.
Indications are multiple according to expert physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy and Fitness, TX, and include a significant number of acute inflammatory conditions.
What are the Biological Effects of Laser Therapy?
This treatment used by physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy and Fitness in Houston TX, leads to the following biological results:
- An increase in the excitability threshold of pain nerve endings.
- Anti-inflammatory, given the transformation of prostacyclin into prostaglandins and the growth in microcirculation.
- Biostimulant, obtained by stimulating the metabolism that accelerates the healing of wounds, also causes the closure of muscle injuries that have no medical indication because it promotes the formation of fibrous scar tissue.
- Relaxing, due to the thermal effect and increased metabolism.
The resulting physiological effects are as follows:
- Reduction of inflammation.
- Decreased pain.
- Acceleration of tissue and bone repair.
- Increased cell metabolism.
- Reduced swelling.
Main Acute Inflammatory Conditions Treated with Laser Therapy
The effects of the laser on the healing process are impressive. Its use allows a physical therapist at Absolute Physical Therapy and Fitness in Houston, TX, to observe excellent results in the healing of acute inflammatory conditions.
This therapy is particularly indicated for tendinitis, sprains, muscle tears, contusions, edema, bruises, ulcers, and sores.
Laser treatment will reduce pain, eliminate waste associated with the lesion, and stimulate healing.
The laser treatment of pain and inflammation will allow physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy and Fitness in Houston, TX, to relieve those conditions and to offer patients a safe and painless treatment, without side effects.
Laser therapy has also shown significant efficacy in the treatment of arthritis, back pain, dislocations, fractures, carpal tunnel syndromes.
Physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy and Fitness in Houston, TX, recommend the use of laser therapy in all these conditions because of its ability to speed up the healing process, and to decrease the use of drugs for pain.