Physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy understand the pain and injury that wrist fractures can cause to an individual. A wrist fracture is technically a broken wrist which can occur in any of the ten bones that make up the wrist including
With the increasing focus on healthy living and exercise, many people are turning to games. Sports such as football, basketball, baseball, soccer, have produced many heroes and idols. Thousands of athletes aim to excel in these fields as well. However, along with
Physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy and Fitness in Houston, TX uses laser therapy on patients suffering from acute inflammatory conditions. Laser treatment sends an electromagnetic beam on a region of the body for therapeutic purposes. The characteristic of the laser is
The constant stress experienced by the feet from activities such as walking and running can have an impact on its structural integrity. Injuries can be many, and one such well recognized injury is a stress fracture. Typically, stress fractures are a result of constant