Physical therapy is more than just the strengthening and stretching of the muscles. For the elderly, it can be used to help them overcome their mobility-related problems. Those with medical conditions like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis struggle with staying balanced and moving freely. This also increases their risk of falls and subsequent injuries. Physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy go through movement exercises to help improve your balance and maintain safe functional mobility.
If you have ever fallen, you understand the importance of keeping your balance as you sit or walk. You could be struggling with maintaining your balance, which can be frustrating. Physical therapy at Absolute Physical Therapy is a program that will help you achieve better balance and perform your daily functions better. The kind of people who can benefit from the program includes those who have fallen, older persons with limited functionality mobility, and athletes who are injured. People with vertigo, those have had surgery, and those with neurological conditional like stroke can also benefit from balance exercises.
For those looking for physical therapists in Houston, TX, it is always important to consider the kind of services they offer. A good therapist will prescribe physical exercises and active movement techniques to improve their balance. The process starts with the physical therapist assessing your balance and developing a treatment strategy for you. You may be engaged in stretching, strengthening, visual tracking, proprioception exercises, and inner ear retraining. The therapist may engage you in a single-leg stance, tandem walking, altering your visual system when walking, among other balance exercises.
Once you subscribe to physical therapy at Absolute Physical Therapy, you will be taken through a program to reduce fall risk, improve mobility, flexibility, and strength. If you are still stuck on where to start, contact physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy to get the help you need.