Achilles Tendinopathy is the injury of the Achilles’ tendon. The Achilles’ tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone.
This condition mostly affects athletes, but it is not limited to them. Achilles tendinopathy can cause pain, swelling, and limit movement. Injuries may include:
- Tendinitis – inflammation of the tendon (although this term is often used, in most cases, tendinopathy no significant inflammation);
- Tendonosis – microtrauma (small breaks) in the tendon tissue with no significant inflammation.
Restoring the proper functioning of the Achilles’ tendon following Achilles Tendinopathy can take several months.
This is possible with the help of physical therapy from Absolute Physical Therapy and Fitness in Houston TX,
Causes of Achilles Tendinopathy
Tendinopathy usually is caused by the excessive strain of muscle and tendon. Over time, affected location of the tendon undergoes structural changes.
The workload on the tendon of Achilles increases in situations like:
- Increasing speed or running long distances too quickly;
- Training on uneven roads
- The lack of flexibility of the calf muscles
- Improper shoes
- Improper warm up before exercise;
- The hardness of the calves;
- The sharp cooling of the muscles;
- Improper training program.
The major symptoms of the Achilles Tendinopathy are:
Soreness, usually in 3-5 centimeters above where the tendon attaches to the heel bone.
This soreness is especially noticeable in the morning after running or jogging.
The progressive nature of the pain and the swelling of the Achilles’ tendon are the common symptoms seen in the person suffering from Achilles Tendinopathy.
What are the treatment options available for this condition?
It is necessary to stop the activity that causes the Achilles Tendinopathy.
Patients should:
- Switch to exercise that causes no load on the tendons. (A good option would be swimming lessons.)
- Avoid lifting and walking on uneven surfaces.
These are not enough to treat Achilles Tendinopathy. We also need to include pain reduction therapy and inflammation reduction therapy in the treatment program. This can be done with the help of the use of painkillers or NSAIDS.
However, long time therapy with the help of painkillers is not advisable. Therefore, this leads us to physical therapy. Physical therapy can be an apt choice to reduce pain and stiffness around the heel.
The team of expert therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy and Fitness in Houston TX helps patients of tendinopathy with effective physical therapy treatment. At the same time, physical therapy in Houston TX is the best place to achieve the best quality service as they are specialized in individual focused physical therapy.