Extremity pain is defined as any kind of pain that is experienced in the upper or lower limb/extremity. The lower extremity starts from the hip while the upper extremity starts from the shoulder. Extremity pain has all sorts of causes and triggers. They include:
- Sports injuries
- Wear and tear
- Overuse
- Joint injuries
- Poor postural alignment
- Blood clots
The recommended course for successful treatment of extremity pain is physical therapy.
Lower Extremity Therapy
This type of therapy will target the lower part of the body. This includes the lower limb, thigh, leg, hip, ankle and foot. This type of extremity pain is caused by injuries due to demanding nature of sports. The lower extremity bears our weight which causes the joint surfaces to become vulnerable to wear and tear. At Absolute Physical Therapy, you will be exposed to specialized care that targets the lower extremity areas.
The physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy will work together with you to come up with a physical therapy regimen that will consider your lower extremity as a whole kinetic chain. This will make it easier to put you on exercises that will help in your rehabilitation. They will also put you through strength building exercises that will make it difficult for the condition to recur.
Improper rehabilitation of such injuries can extend beyond on-going minor discomfort. It is for this reason that you should stick to your physical therapist’s instructions at all times. Some exercises physical therapists in Houston, TX will put you through include:
- Knee fixation exercises
- Hip fixations
- Exercises based on the releasing and extension of fixations
Upper Extremity Therapy
By enrolling in physical therapy at Absolute Physical therapy, you will be put through a therapy regimen that focuses on the use of the shoulder, elbow and hand (upper extremity). As this form of therapy can be done as part of an outpatient program, you will be assigned a physical therapist in Houston, TX to provide round the clock care. The therapy exercises will be focused on:
- Improving and increasing your range of motion
- Decreasing pain
- Strength building
- Flexibility
Enroll in our therapy program and you will be assured of the successful treatment of your condition. Visit our offices in Houston Texas for more information on Extremity pain.