Plantar Fasciitis is a painful inflammation of the fibrous band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. It causes heel pain. This inflammation is due to Heel Spurs. A heel spur is a calcium deposit positioned underneath the heel bone. It is seen as a protrusion of bone under X-rays. It is often painless; however, it can cause heel pain which is then referred to as Plantar Fasciitis.
Causes of Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Spurs
Heel Spurs are caused by:
- Stretching of the plantar fascia
- Repeated tearing of the membrane covering the heel bone
- Straining foot ligaments and muscles
The plantar fascia supports the arch of the foot from injuries and trauma. Plantar Fasciitis, therefore, is caused by recurring stretching and tearing of the fascia causing inflammation and irritation. Even so, the main cause for this condition is unclear.
Risk factors for Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Spurs are:
- Old age
- Activities that put too much stress and pressure on the heel
- Obesity
- Running/ jogging on hard surfaces
- Flat feet or high arches
- Diabetes
- Badly worn or poorly fitting shoes
- Trauma from an accident
Heel Spurs often show no symptoms but can be associated with chronic pain and inflammation during movement. Plantar Fasciitis symptoms are stabbing pain in the bottom of the foot near the heel. It is extreme with the first few steps after waking up, standing for long or after sitting for long. The pain is also extreme after exercise.
Effective treatment
Aside from medication and surgery, physical therapy is a proper way to treat Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Spurs. The physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy perform a series of exercises designed to stretch the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia. This also strengthens lower leg muscles hence stabilizing the ankle and knee. The physical therapist in Houston, TX will also teach the patient to apply athletic taping to support the foot. The therapist may recommend wearing a splint to stretch the calf and arch of the patient’s foot while they sleep.
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Wear supportive shoes which provide good arch support and shock absorbency
- Try low impact sports such as swimming
For successful treatment, seek physical therapy at Absolute Physical Therapy where the best physical therapists in Houston, TX administer quality therapy.