Ankle sprain is a very common condition, occurring in daily life or during a practice of any sports. It must not be overlooked, because of possible recurrence, potentially painful consequences, and risks of instability.
The most common injury affects the external ligament when the foot goes abruptly downward and inward. This happens in case of missteps or bad landing.
The symptoms of an ankle sprain are:
- a crack at the time of injury
- pain on the outer side of the ankle
- swelling and bruising
- difficulty in walking
Physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy & Fitness in Houston, TX can relieve these symptoms with different methods:
- Massage is used to fight against the pain and swelling and allows to improve the perception of the foot.
- The pressure therapy is effective in post-traumatic therapy acute phase.
- The Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
- Ultrasound
When ligaments are healed, it is essential to conduct a phase of strengthening and stabilization of the ankle before resuming sports activities in order to prevent a relapse.
Therapists in Houston, TX conduct then a rehabilitation of an ankle by working on ankle proprioception deficits (brain’s ability to know the position and movements of the ankle without recourse to the sight) and ankle stabilizing muscles strength to restore stability.
In the early phase of rehabilitation, physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy & Fitness in Houston, TX perform stretching exercises carefully to maintain range of motion of the ankle.
Strengthening exercises concern isometric contraction of the calf and back muscles, and exercises with body weight. This is one of the most important aspect because there is frequently a strength deficiency of the ankle muscles.
Physical therapists in Houston, TX, always respect the pain threshold.
Proprioceptive rehabilitation plays an important role in healing. It improves balance and static and dynamic postural control. It is done by maintaining positions or performing exercises with the help of materials disturbing the balance.
The proprioceptive rehabilitation and strengthening exercises form the neuromuscular reprogramming. It allows the physical therapists in Houston, TX to put the ankle in conditions that are as close as possible to the traumatic situation.
This therapy should be individualized depending on the severity of ligament damage, and each one recovery faculties. It aims to fight against deficiencies and restore capabilities.