Are you feeling limited in your shoulder’s range of motion, perhaps having difficulty in swinging your arm or stretching out for objects? Then perhaps you could have frozen shoulder: a condition that causes pain and has your shoulder’s movement limited.
What exactly is frozen shoulder?
Scientifically called adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder is an illness that causes your shoulder to be stiff and move over only a small range. Movements further than this cause extreme pain, although patients could also experience pain while their arms are still. This condition causes the tissues around the joint connecting the arm to the shoulder’s socket to stiffen and have scar tissue form in this area. As a result, the tissues are not regularly aligned, and motion becomes a challenging and painful process.
Causes of Frozen Shoulder
The condition can be caused by the joint’s overuse or injury. Additionally, chronic diseases such as diabetes or the occurrence of a stroke could cause the onset of this illness. Overall, a variety of issues could cause frozen shoulder provided that the joint does not regularly receive the full range of motion. Fortunately, our highly-trained physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy in Houston, TX can identify and treat this condition, leading to you being able to move your shoulder regularly and engage in any desired tasks.
Typically, frozen shoulder affects people who have just undergone surgery, those with chronic diseases and within the 40 – 70 years age bracket.
How Do I know if I have Frozen Shoulder?
You are advised to visit Absolute Physical Therapy where a physical therapist in Houston, TX will be able to establish the nature of your condition accurately. Afterward, a suitable treatment plan could be drawn up for you.
Treatment for Frozen Shoulder
Our easily approachable team of physical therapists at Absolute Physical Therapy in Houston, TX apply the Niel Asher Technique to treat adhesive capsulitis. This remedy has been used for decades and has proven to be effective not only for frozen shoulder but also hundreds of other conditions.
What is the Niel Asher technique?
Adopted into medical circles as early as 1997, this treatment method has your physical therapist in Houston, TX work in line with your body’s natural healing mechanism to achieve good health. As a result, there is no need for drugs or surgery when you are under the Neil Asher Technique for Frozen Shoulder in Houston, TX. The remedy has been approved for use in the UK, the United States, and Europe.
What does the Niel Asher technique involve?
In this treatment method, the physical therapist in Houston, TX will use specific methods of manipulation to stimulate the pressure points around the shoulder joint as well as the tissues surrounding it. As a result, new pathways to the brain are created, thereby alleviating pain and healing the injury. Applying this remedy will ensure no chemicals or medication are used during your physical therapy at Absolute Physical Therapy in Houston, TX. Through the process, physical therapists in Houston, TX not only ensure that your shoulder is healed and can achieve natural motion, but they also ensure your shoulder is stronger and more powerful from the technique.
Additionally, people of all ages and varying health conditions can undergo the Niel Asher Technique in Houston, TX meaning that you do not have to worry about such limits.
Say goodbye to your frozen shoulder by scheduling an appointment for physical therapy at Absolute Physical Therapy in Houston, TX today.